
Friday, July 27, 2007

I made this blog for discussion on current retail. As we all know that the word retail is originally come from the word Retailia which is a french word. So i decided to give the same name to this blog.

In India organized retail has started to flourish.With the entrance of companies like walmart will definetly boost up the Indian retail Market. India is a country which is dominated by the small unorganized retail stores. And what i think that Indian customers having a myth that the organized retail sell the goods in a much higher rate than the unorgainzed sector. Well if walmart want to be successful in india , first of all it must break this myth.
There is no lack of potential in India. And especially when the organised retail is only 3.5 % in the country , there is an open invitation to the retail giants to come and get set in such a huge market,,,,


Unknown said...

Its really gud to see a person of such retail knowledge commenting on such a diverse topic.

July 30, 2007 at 11:46 PM
Unknown said...

hey lets discuss the issues like FDI, technologies in retail, ny seamless experience abt indian retail

August 7, 2007 at 1:52 PM